러시아가 지정한 테러 단체 영어로
- Organizations designated as terrorist by Russia
- 테러: 테러 terror; terrorism. 백색[적색] ~ a
- 단체: 단체 [單體] 『化』 =홑원소
- 시리아가 지정한 테러 단체: Organizations designated as terrorist by Syria
- 사우디아라비아가 지정한 테러 단체: Organizations designated as terrorist by Saudi Arabia
- 오스트레일리아가 지정한 테러 단체: Organisations designated as terrorist by Australia
- 미국이 지정한 테러 단체: Organizations designated as terrorist by the United States
- 바레인이 지정한 테러 단체: Organizations designated as terrorist by Bahrain
- 영국이 지정한 테러 단체: Organisations designated as terrorist by the United Kingdom
- 유럽 연합이 지정한 테러 단체: Organisations designated as terrorist by the European Union
- 이라크가 지정한 테러 단체: Organizations designated as terrorist by Iraq
- 이란이 지정한 테러 단체: Organisations designated as terrorist by Iran
- 이집트가 지정한 테러 단체: Organizations designated as terrorist by Egypt
- 인도가 지정한 테러 단체: Organisations designated as terrorist by India
- 일본이 지정한 테러 단체: Organisations designated as terrorist by Japan
- 중국이 지정한 테러 단체: Organizations designated as terrorist by China